Ask Dr. Eldritch

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Date: February 8, 2011
Vol. 8, No. 4

Dr. Eldritch's Tip of The Week:

Could your malaise be caused by poor shadow care? Most people think nothing about dragging their shadows across rough streets, uneven sidewalks and even broken glass! Reduce wear by avoiding those objects. When at home, allow your shadow to rest on soft surfaces. You'll feel better for it!


Your astrological forecast for February 8 - 14, 2011 is as follows:

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Is your freezer down? It may be; your refrigerator has been depressed recently. It's working fine, but it's listless, disinterested, just going through the motions. Don't tell me you didn't even notice! Do something nice to cheer it up. A Pisces sees something more clearly.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Hang on tight! Cross-purposed Mars and Mercury may give you a touch of Dropsy. No, not edema, the Dropsy where you keep letting things fall, tumble, or spill! Not a good week to be using the heirloom china or working with nitroglycerin. Gloves might help. Your forecasts for a Capricorn are dead-on.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): Got your Theme Music going? If you haven't identified your personal theme music, now might be a good time! Keep a copy ready on your iPod so you can play it at dramatic moments. This can be intimidating to those with weak minds, so use your power wisely. Trust a Leos memory.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19): Look sharp! A crime will be committed and solving it will rely on your powers of observation and deduction! Search for clues, question witnesses and find the answer through tiny errors in the guilty person's alibi. Fortunately it won't be a murder or anything, more like a zoning violation. A Sagittarius shows up late.

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20): Neptune's slow pull will affect not you, but the people you're waiting for. You'll be prompt, but those around you will be interrupted, distracted and delayed all week. Got a good book to read? Also not an opportune time for executing a tightly-synchronized jewelry heist. Better wait until later. Consult a Gemini for prophesies.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Have you ever wondered what it would be like to suddenly discover there was a large section of your extended family you never knew existed, as though their existence had been kept secret...? Why do I ask? Oh, no reason. Look to Scorpio for a surprise. Verify news from a Capricorn.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): An impulse purchase or a style makeover may lead to trouble! Let friends and family know you're considering a change, or they may suspect you've been replaced by a double. How do you prove that you are you and not just someone who says they're you? A Pisces predicts your future.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): Cross-pull of Pluto and Jupiter give an unclear reading. You'll either be asked to judge a variety show, or show a judge some variety. Ask what that entails before you say "Yes, your Honor." A Taurus waxes poetic.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): It's Mirror Week for you! Planetary shifts could allow you to literally see yourself as others see you, from your latest hairstyle to your treasured personality quirks. Some people find the parade of faults demoralizing, but you're a good person, right? Secure? People like you? You should do fine. Listen carefully to an Aquarius.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): Unscheduled events are in your future! Strange appointments will show up on your calendar, and you didn't put them there. They could be worth keeping, however. Remember the saying about not putting off until tomorrow what you could go back in Time and do yesterday. Share luck with an Aries!

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Be careful what you wish for! This is always good advice, but you may accidentally acquire a Reverse Wish device and suffer the effects! Reverse Wishes grant the exact opposite of what you ask to happen, like losing money instead of gaining it. Request obversely, and you may get what you want. Forgive a Leo for gloating.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): The inner planets form a sigil around your sign, and the odds of you metamorphosing into a piece of furniture are at an all-time high! What do you think you'd be; a hutch, an ottoman, or perhaps a grand piano? A Gemini is in your dreams.

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ASK DR. ELDRITCH! ****************************************************************

Dear Dr. Eldritch,
Ask Dr. Eldritch Werehamster     I've just started dating again, after a painful breakup over a year ago. I know you don't dispense advice about ordinary relationships, but I believe it's germane to the unusual aspects of my problem.

I'm a kindergarten teacher in a small town, so I must be careful of appearances. I wasn't looking for a relationship, but when "Andrew" moved here to care for his aged parents, we each quickly discovered in the other a kindred spirit. We talk on the phone and exchange emails frequently, but have only gone out together a couple times. We're taking things slowly because every move we make is carefully monitored by the local Gossip Ladies. They've been sympathetic to me as a broken-hearted casualty of a failed romance, but I fear the slightest hint of impropriety could cause these rumor mongers to paint me as the Town Slut.

With that in mind, I suggested that Andrew spend the night. He's sensitive to my concerns about my reputation, and we agreed to wait until the weekend and find a way for him to come in unobserved. Then on Wednesday morning I woke up in my living room, sans pajamas, lying in a huge pile of shredded newspaper. I thought it peculiar, but I wasn't worried until it happened again today. This time there was also a well-chewed cardboard box, and a taste of woodchips in my mouth.

I told Andrew I needed more time, and he seemed disappointed, but agreed to wait. I haven't repeated this bizarre behavior since, but what if he comes over and it happens again? How could I explain it?

This could just be a manifestation of anxiety about this situation, but I'm loath to consult a psychologist. Am I going crazy? Or is it some magic spell? Could my ex-boyfriend have left me with a curse to prevent future relationships? I don't know what's worse, telling Andrew about it, or having him witness one of these late-night episodes. Either way, I'm sure he'd dump me fast enough to get the rumor mill churning. What should I do?

-- Angelina, in a Small Midwest Town

Dear Angelina,
    Hmmm. How does a modern woman carry on a romantic relationship with another available consenting adult under the scrutiny of meddling small-town quidnuncs? This is a tricky problem, and one I'm going to ignore, because there are myriad advice columnists who handle such things. Fortunately, there is one facet of your situation which I am the perfect authority to address! I believe I know the cause of your nocturnal hijinks, and it's not neurotic anxieties.

When I say "lycanthrope," you think "werewolf," right? Well, the Lycanthropy Club admits more than just those of the wolfy persuasion, and you've earned your membership card. From your description, I'd guess werehamster. I know; this doesn't have the cachet of a wolf, but it's much easier to manage. You're unlikely to have bloodthirsty rampages that end with an angry torch-carrying mob doing unpleasant things with pitchforks. Instead, the worst thing you'll probably do is spill your water bottle into your food dish.

This mostly means that each night around the full moon, you'll need to set out a stack of newspaper, five pounds of crunchy vegetables and a hanging water bottle. A giant exercise wheel is a nice touch, but not necessary. As the moon rises, your inner hamster will emerge, and you'll spend the night making a nest, eating the veggies, trying to knock over the water bottle and whatever else it is that hamsters do.

And apparently I lied; as I am going to address your relationship question after all. You need to decide whether or not to embrace this part of you. Perhaps you can carry on a long-term relationship with Andrew while keeping your hamster side a secret, but I doubt it. The truth will eventually out, and I recommend that you be the one to choose the time and place. Few relationships can withstand the shock of unexpectedly discovering one's partner in the shape of a giant rodent.

More importantly, can you give up hiding from the community? You see, everyone (unless they're completely dull) has some aspect of their personality that doesn't fall within the narrow parameters of "socially acceptable." When you live in an area that punishes nonconformity (which is virtually AnyTown, USA), you pay a price for being you. Either you repress your true self in order to fit in and feel the pinch of a psyche stuffed into an undersized box, or you suffer the disdain and disrespect of the small-minded mainstream. Either way sucks.

I do know (and this is coming from an ex-vampire-hunter turned supernatural consultant) that repressing is just depressing. Of course, revealing your honest self to the community may lead to censure, ridicule and abuse. Perhaps you'll have to leave town. Coming out as a sexually-liberated werehamster is a rough road to travel, but if you can survive the bumps, you may eventually find acceptance, and if you're lucky, true happiness.

Good luck, and let me know how it comes out!

-- Dr. Eldritch

(DISCLAIMER: Anyone intelligent enough to be reading this should understand 1) Satire, and 2) That following the advice given may result in physical, mental, or spiritual harm to beings living, dead, or undead. The author does not suggest that anyone other that the originator of any given letter follow his advice, and cannot be held liable if anyone else does.
If you need more, read this Advanced Disclaimer!) All content © 2011 Evan Nichols