Ask Dr. Eldritch

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Date: April 26, 2011
Vol. 8, No. 12

Dr. Eldritch's Tip of The Week:

Stock some nicotine gum in your Post-Apocalypse Emergency Supplies. Even if you don't smoke, it will be better than gold when bartering with cigarette-craving survivors!


Your astrological forecast for April 26 - May 2, 2011 is as follows:

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Words, words, words! A strange obsession with words a day may strike. Don't be afraid; it's not too unusual, and mostly harmless. You'll find it more enjoyable if you string the words together in a manner that actually makes sense. Forgive a Virgo for any mistakes.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Congratulations! Friends, family and complete strangers might approach you to offer their felicitations, and you may have no idea why. Be gracious, and politely thank them for their good wishes. Confusion is no excuse for being rude, after all. Turn tables on a Sagittarius.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): This week's Theme? Passion! Energetic Venus encourages all things passionate for you this week, not just romance. Fond of art? Shoes? Bowling? Engage in what thrills you! Oh, wait; I read that wrong. This week's Theme: Passionfruits! A Libra is offended by a casual remark.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19): Domo Arigato! Be careful what you ask for! A request or instructions spoken aloud may be heard by an obliging robot, who will cause chaos and confusion when attempting to fulfill your wishes! Be very specific about what you want, and check for robots before you speak. A Scorpio has an idea.

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20): Look, there's a Bright Spot In the Darkness! If you're out at night and see a distant bright light where one should not be, don't follow it into the dark! Lots of people do this, and they rarely come back. Could be a good week just to stay in and watch TV. Expect letter from a Leo.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Time for some good, lighthearted fun! You may learn a neighbor's most closely-guarded secrets! Keep them from knowing that you know, and much hilarity will ensue! Probably, anyway. Discord with a Virgo.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Who doesn't enjoy wearing costumes? Dress-up is fine, but if you take a knock to the head, you're at risk of waking up thinking that you're actually the character your outfit represents! Pin a note to yourself where you'll find it, explaining the situation. Money woes from an Aquarius.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): It's Mirror Talking Week! Not you, exactly, but those images in the mirror will have some insight to share. Take time to listen, even if strangers are watching you and wondering about your sanity. They probably won't report you or anything. A Gemini inspires creativity.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): How's your car? It may be slow starting, running a little rough or not working up to its potential. If trips to the mechanic find nothing wrong, you may need to take it to a Vehicular Therapist. Haven't wondered whether your car is happy? Maybe you should ask. A Taurus will be a distraction.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): How are you with creepy-crawlies? You may be lucky enough to witness the start of the Annual Tick Migration, but that's not something most people want to see. Wear sturdy shoes and keep your legs covered; you'll be glad you did. A Pisces finds a lost item for you.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Monsters need love, too! Be open to possibilities, as you may encounter what appears to be a frightening creature, but one who has a gentle heart. Perhaps a special bond could form? Give it a chance, but flee at the first sign that you're about to be eaten. An Aries is in agreement with you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Do you have a strong sense of Familial Responsibility? An ancient family obligation may come due, and you could be called upon to pay that debt! Check on the claim's authenticity, first, however, as it may just be one of those Internet hoaxes. Talk openly with a Capricorn.

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<> Scientific experiments gone horribly wrong and may destroy the Earth?
<> A Loved One is possessed by Satan?
<> Your gorgeous lover is using you as a patsy for an elaborate swindle?

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ASK DR. ELDRITCH! ****************************************************************

Dear Dr. Eldritch,
Ask Dr. Eldritch Siren     A sailor told me right before he died that you might be able to help me get a new job. Mine is so boring! You see, my sisters and I lure ships onto the rocks near our home by singing to them. That's it! That's all we do!

It used to be fun, a long time ago. The old wooden ships could sail closer in, so more sailors managed to swim ashore after their boat sank and we'd have company for a while. Now, the shipping lanes are too far out and nobody can hear us over the engines, anyway. So we only get a few private yachts a year, and with the modern electronics, we can go months without having one shipwreck.

I started asking the survivors to teach me things, and a sailor gave me a book called "The Odyssey" before he died. I liked the part about me, but the rest of it had a lot of hard words and I got bored. So I watch a lot of cable TV, and I had a great idea! I want to be one of those forensic investigators like on those crime-scene shows! It looks fun, exciting and dangerous, and I'd be helping people. (I feel kind of bad about all those people who have drowned when we made their ships sink. It must be icky to die like that!) I have no idea how someone gets those jobs, so please help me. I can't take much more of this lying around on a sunny beach all the time!

-- Raidne, from a rocky Mediterranean coastline

p.s. In case you're wondering, we don't have the bodies of birds, that's a myth. We look like average, normal women, but our hair is like long, soft feathers. That's it. So don't make any harpy jokes! See the attached picture (you wouldn't believe how many digital cameras we find in the luggage that washes up on shore)!

Dear Raidne,
    Well, yes, you do certainly look human, but not average! I would suggest that if you wish to blend in with polite society, you'll want to wear clothes. But more on that later...

The good news is that you're correct; career counseling for those of a mythological bent is one of my specialties. The less-than-good news is that employment in that particular field may be a teensy bit more complicated than you think:

I understand how you've gotten the impression that the job is dangerous. The shows indicate that all crime-solving activities revolve around those investigators, and only occasionally do detectives and uniformed officers step in to lend a hand. In reality, the crime-scene team analyzes the crime scene, hands over their findings to the detectives, and goes back to their lab. The most dangerous thing they normally face is accidentally super-gluing themselves to something.

Fun and exciting? A TV show that accurately depicted the tedious analytical processes they use would be more yawn-inducing than C-SPAN. I'm sure exciting moments happen, but they're surrounded by a multitude of uneventful ones. Much like your life now.

If you applied for such a job, potential employers might expect some sort of prior work experience in a related field. A long history of causing extensive property damage may not preclude a political career, but will probably keep you out of law enforcement.

And even if you gloss over your past, you'll need academic credentials. These investigators are scientists, and have earned at least a Bachelors degree, if not a Masters or Doctorate. You don't have a degree, do you? How about a high-school diploma? No? So you'll need to start with a GED, followed by at least four years of university. Don't be tempted by online diploma-mills! If you're satisfied with the quick fix, you're not suited for the job you say you want.

What I respectfully suggest is that you try what we call "modeling." Are magazines ever in the flotsam that washes ashore? Find the ones that obsess about fashion tips, makeup, dieting and relationship quizzes, and look at the women who appear on the cover and in the advertisements. Those are called "models," and their job is to be attractive while someone photographs them. Your exotic features, gravity-defying figure, and ability to spend long hours lying about unclothed on a beach qualify you for the job. Modeling is the easiest way for a person with no skills or education to make large amounts of money, if they happen to be fabulously photogenic. And clothing is often optional.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into your letter, but I think you'll enjoy the glamour, non-stop attention and party lifestyle of modeling significantly more than the grueling academics and meticulous science of crime-scene investigation. I encourage you to try both; alternate between modeling (which will pay for tuition!) and classes. See which one holds your interest. This is merely the opinion of someone who spent far more late nights in a lab on the path to getting a doctorate than wild nights at celebrity-packed parties, but I'll bet a box of doughnuts that you'll be blowing off finals to jet to a foreign country for a swimsuit-calendar photoshoot before you finish your freshman year. I like the ones with chocolate sprinkles.

Good luck, and let me know how it comes out!

-Dr. Eldritch

(DISCLAIMER: Anyone intelligent enough to be reading this should understand 1) Satire, and 2) That following the advice given may result in physical, mental, or spiritual harm to beings living, dead, or undead. The author does not suggest that anyone other that the originator of any given letter follow his advice, and cannot be held liable if anyone else does.
If you need more, read this Advanced Disclaimer!) All content © 2011 Evan Nichols